Thursday, December 20, 2007

the unexpected

I spent Monday night making sure my digestive system was sufficiently cleansed. Tuesday I ate mostly dry cereal and banana with a little PB toast thrown in. I drank a lot of ceffeine free diet coke (I know-what's the point of that?!) and hardly any water. I did have 1 piece of Papa Murphy's chicken mediterranean deLite pizza for dinner.

Yesterday morning I had a NASTY headache from the dehydration. So I guzzled water. I ran around all day between work and grocery chopping and taxi-ing the kiddos and then baking to get all the gifts ready for teachers, too. I admit I had too many cookies in the afternoon. There were 3 of them in fact.

But what did the scale say this monrning? Exactly what it said yesterday morning. 149.8 Yep, The crazy 140's!!!

I can't believe it. I'm not planning on it being permanent because I am seriously taking a few days off next week for the holidays, but I haven't seen a number in the 140's for almost 20 years.

Who'd a thought I could ever get there?!!?


Kate said...

Hey, even if you don't stay there, at least you got to see it, that's awesome!

And you totally made me chuckle with "making sure your digestive system was sufficiently cleansed" LOL.

Kathy said...

I was 18 the last time I saw the 140's and it was so unusual, that I remember it 40 years later!!! I don't care if it was for 5 minutes...YAHOO!!!

Swizzlepop said...

WOOHOO for seeing the 140s that is great! Even if they disappear for a bit after next week they WILL be back and are just showing you how great they really are. Enjoy the holidays and just make sure you don't eat yourself too silly. And WATER lady, don't forget the water, it's our best friend :)

TB--Milwaukee said...

140's...think the last time I saw that was 4th grade. I was a chubby little guy.