Monday, January 5, 2009

quick update

Just wanted to drop by and say that I am dong great with tracking. I don't necessarily enjoy it, but it does keep me accountable. I have used just a few of my WPA's so far and yesterday I had 1 point left at the end of the day. It didn't concern me though because I had done lots of estimating on the salad I had for lunch. I didn't measure my cheese or the crema or the chicken so if I was off a little I had a little room.

Kathy posted yesterday about how many diet plans leave us with an all or nothing approach to food. I know we have all been there. Even in our description of good or bad days or good or bad food choices. That is one thing I hate seeing in my kids and I have really tried to keep myself from that as well. Yesterday when Aleena and I were out getting her some new folders for school, I wanted chocolate. Really badly. I considered splitting something with her, but then decided to get a pack of Reese's peanut butter cups. I know that they have a little protein and a lot of the fat is from the nuts, so I bought them and ate one in the car. I savored that thing, lemme tell ya! And I have the other one in my purse. I will eat it sometime, but I'm not sure when.

That has been one of the greatest lessons I have learned with WW. I can have that favorite treat, but I need to enjoy it and count it as part of my daily food intake. So instead of shoving the whole thing in my mouth like I've done in the past, I took a few bites and really tasted it. And I saved one for later. I can eat that treat again.

How is your new year going? ARe you on a diet (or feeling like you have failed at your diet) or simply trying to live a heathier life?

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I always keep sweet and/or salty treats in the house as well as crispy and soft...when the urge hits I will have all the bases covered! I also like having something hot with my sweet tasting treats like granola seems to extend the pleasure a little longer and also combines with the fiber to fill me up! I'm writing my food intake on index cards and am going to pull my favorites out to plan menus in the future!