Wednesday, July 10, 2013

ready for a meeting

I'm not really sure why I'm so excited to go to a weekly meeting, but I am.  I had been going to a Friday meeting with a leader I didn't know.  I didn't want to go to my regular meeting with my "regular" leader.  Mostly because I was embarrassed for her to see that yes, I stopped coming and yes, I've gained weight.  You know, 'cuz she thinks about me that much.

Anyway.  I've decided I don't like that day's meeting so I should go back to my usual thing.  I didn't go last week because of the holiday week and all that was going on.  But I am going to a meeting on Thursday.  I'm ready to go now.  I'm not sure why I feel like I need this so much right now.

I think maybe it's because I'm back in the losing mode....loving it, feeling good, seeing losses on my home scale, feeling better in my clothes.  Maybe it's because I want to just talk about weight loss and how much I love what I'm doing.

I'll be back tomorrow with a weigh in report :)

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